t's almost bitter sweet as this long wait comes to a close tomorrow for many. Many of us have gone from being a wee little thing - to just hitting 18. While others of us have grown grey hair, had children and swapped careers more times than we should of. It's been a long road, and in the end.. the real Cyberpunks are the friends we made along the way. It's almost unbelievable we're finally at this point, and in a way I'll miss the wait, being anticipated with so many other community members from around the world.

I'm forever thankful for everything in our NETRUNNER 2077 Discord community, watching it grow and having meet so many amazing people and new friends. Now comes the time of launch. Many of us are now soaking in our first glimpse of Night City while others are moving through out the badlands, exploring every nick and cranny there is.
Whatever you do, take your time.. consider role playing, turning off the blips on your map, disable markers, take your time exploring the city and finding secrets.. Avoid guides for the time being and just soak in all that atmosphere. You only get this first experience once, don't fuck it up Choomba.
NETRUNNER 2077 will be offline for a few weeks in order to fully soak in the game. News will continue shortly after as well as beginning to create exclusive Mods and Guides for Cyberpunk 2077. During that time I hope everyone else out there will be doing the same.

Congratulations to everyone at CD Projekt RED and all the fans who endeared this extremely long wait for one of the most anticipated games, if not the most anticipated game of all time. I'm honored to stand where I am and lead NETRUNNER 2077 to an amazing future.
Cyberpunk 2077 has officially released for Windows PC and you can purchase it now and play on GOG, Steam, and Epic Games Store.