esterday is the day when some of the community located over in Germany had started receiving early copies of "The World of Cyberpunk 2077" and a couple of fans had to share their excitement with the community! There is quite a lot of visual information to soak up. If you're inclined to go in as fresh as possible I highly advise you to avoid this post like the plague! If not, well you're in for quite a visual eyegasm of new images. A MASSIVE shout out to Kalenko , Mifri over on twitter & /u/Cybertiits on Reddit for sharing all this with the community. I've gone through and compiled and sorted all the images into their own galleries so you can get a good idea of whats what if you're not super familiar with the lore and world of 2077.
The World of Cyberpunk 2077 releases on July 28th for the United States but it has been reported that quite a few shipping delays have occurred for many individuals.
This Article & credit list will be constantly updated as new images come through. Newest Images will appear on top.
If you've totally forgotten about it or haven't had the chance to grab a copy of "The World of Cyberpunk 2077" You can grab the Standard Edition here. The Deluxe edition which contains a plethora of extra goodies and a custom cover is available here.
For Anyone Interested, Here:s the full page cover for this Article. It was initially blurred for people trying to avoid spoilers.

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