orinobu gets some new details Today thanks to the daily Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter drops we've been getting lately! (Hopefully all the way up to the next Night City Wire)
Yorinobu, heir to the Arasaka empire, is Saburo Arasaka’s youngest and only surviving son. Yorinobu cut ties with his father after a heated argument. He sought destruction, but soon realized that the corporate giant’s power was impossible to defeat — at least from the outside.
Sounds like they don't have the brightest Father and Son Relationship. He has quite a large role during the Prologue section of the game. Speculation leads many to believe Yorinobu Arasaka will have quite an Important role throughout the Main Story Scenario.
Yorinobu was a huge player in the Fourth Corporate War. He helped supply information to the Japanese Government that helped transform the private assets of Arasaka's Japanese National offices.
As of 2077 he should be around the age of 77. Although, He definitely... doesn't look it. Must be nice to be able to afford those Pristine Cosmetic Cyber-Enhancements.
Small Prologue Story Spoiler Lore located below Picture

Prologue Story Spoiler Below
Apparently the Immortality chip is in possession of Yorinobu Arasaka. He stole the immortality chip from the laboratory of his father, the company's current CEO, Saburo Arasaka. Yorinobu has rebelled against Saburo for years, but actually hasn't seen him for decades.