arlier yesterday, Reddit User and Father to Johnny, u/Mixitman posted a tragic story of how him and his son had plans to play Cyberpunk 2077 together and share experience, but sadly, passed away before that could become a reality.

Johnny's Father had a bit to say during his post after his son had passed away..
My Johnny will not be playing Cyberpunk 2077. We will have to do it for him. He would have gone as a caring Street kid just trying to make a better world. Here's my fantastic son and girlfriend. He had just asked her dad permission to get married earlier this week. RIP Johnny.
Community Members Deathwept and Cyberpunk 2077 Countdown and teamed up together to host a Cyberpunk 2077 Giveaway in Remembrance of Johnny. Further details can be found below. It's truly awesome to see the amazing community of Cyberpunk 2077 come together to share the love and respect we have for one another.
Community Member u/Cotillion0899 also went out of his way to post this Art piece in remembrance of Johnny. Rest in Peace.