ell then.. this was quite unexpected. Recently Cyberpunk 2077 just went gold, signaling that there would be no further delays. It is apparent now that it is not the case.

It appears that the release date has now been moved to December 10th (December 9th for US). Which is good news for some who wish to partake in the other games that launch next month. Although, many people will have to cancel or move their vacation time.. yet again. Which is a huge bummer.
This is now the third delay for Cyberpunk 2077 the first being moved from April 14th, to September 17th to November 19th, and now to December 10th. All in all its about a 3 week difference in launch time. This will also most likely remove Cyberpunk 2077 from many potential Game of the Year awards for this year.
It is a major bummer to me and many fans around the world to see this happen, but when they're ready the release will come. Hopefully it will be worth the wait... I know many of you are pretty upset by this, as am I, but we need to understand that a project of this scale is no easy task to accomplish from a development side of things. So try to keep an open and understanding mind before writing angry responses to CDPR through outlets.
A special shout out to Cyberpunk 2077 Countdown on Twitter, who has been covering the countdown for over two years now. Press F to pay respects.