irst Cyberpunk 2077 going Gold, and now R. Talsorian Games' Cyberpunk RED seems to be following suit. Today they announced that they're in the home stretch of pushing copies of Cyberpunk RED to fans. It'll be great to get a hold of this to help tie in the events from 2045 to 2077 which we may not be addressed when Cyberpunk 2077 releases later next month.

R. Talsorian have also gone and released the Night City 2045 map and we can now see how close it is compared to the 2077 map as well.
Here is the official statement from R. Talsorian Games.
>run cyberpunk_red_status_update.exe
design……….100% complete
playtesting……….100% complete
writing……….100% complete
art……….100% complete
editing……….100% complete
layout……….100% complete
Current Status: manuscript delivered to printer
That’s right, choombas! The manuscript for Cyberpunk RED is complete and stitched together and sent to the printer!
What does this mean? It means we’ve entered “the proofing stage”. That’s where the printer goes through the manuscript, searching for any issues that might crop up during the production process. They’ll send notes. We’ll make fixes and send back a new file. They’ll proof a second time.
Once both sides (the printer and RTG) sign off on the final proof, we’ll have a sharper idea on the “for sale” date on Cyberpunk RED. As soon as we know, we’ll announce it to everyone!
In the meanwhile… you’ve all been so patient, you certainly deserve a reward! How about a map of Night City circa 2045?
If you haven't already grabbed yourself a Jumpstart Kit for Cyberpunk Red you can do so here!