ity Center, Sprawling with Towering Structures crafted from the Wealth of the Ultra Elite. Today we were given just a few details on the City Center District for Cyberpunk 2077 via Twitter.
That's City Center – Night City’s corporate showcase. Sleek skyscrapers form a brutalist, fortress-like skyline, presenting the unrivaled power of megacorps in all its arrogance. Since 2020, the City Center has become the most fortified and secure part of Night City.
The Corporate Plaza is absolutely massive in size. Reaching for the Heavens with Corp-Funded Intimidating, Towering Tall Buildings. It's considered home to several Mega-Corporations such as Militech, Petrochem, Arasaka ,Kang Tao among others. During the 4th Corporate War, Arasaka Tower located in City Center, was hit by Two Nukes. One was a pocket nuke designed to kill the Arasaka database; it only took out the Towers. But the second nuke was an overall area denial blast set up by Kei Arasaka to make sure no one could recover anything. that took out the entire Corporate Center and a large part of downtown.
Here's the Concept pieces that have been released recently, These are all based on City Center, Of course.