pologies if this is abit late! It's been a busy morning with the launch of NETRUNNER 2077. So onto today's Lore bit we were given a small lore snippet about Pacifica thanks to the Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter account. Pacifica is a zone that we got to see initial glimpses of in last years Deep Dive Video.
Pacifica could've been Night City’s money-making vacation resort, but once the investment dried up it became a husk left to rot. Now, instead of tourists, the district is overrun by gangs and violence, with The Voodoo Boys protecting the community forsaken by NCPD.

Only Two organizations, Delamein Taxi and Trauma Team will enter the Combat Zone willingly and thats only in well-armed and armored vehicles with backup. Pacifica is no joke. Once Upon a time, Night City was fresh, dreamed and designed paradise by the late visionary architect Richard Alix Night. But his sudden and not completely surprising death in 1998 left an area out of his visionary dream, creating the first Combat Zone.
Many gangs have a presence in the Night City Combat Zone, New ones spring up all the time, Only to be slaughtered and absorbed by the others. After the 4th Corporate War there were ambitious plans to turn the residential area of Pacifica into a Grand Resort. Due to an unfortunate crisis in the 2060's - It forced Megacorporations that funded the construction to pull out of the project, leaving a half built resort, and their workers behind.