nother In-Game Render of Johnny Silverhand has appeared and Netrunner 2077 has a Goodie to Celebrate with you all! Edge released their #348th Edition of their Magazine earlier today. Which you can Download Here. Be sure to Check out their 4 Hour Impressions on Cyberpunk 2077.

Inside the Issue gives us another look at the In-Game render of Keanu Reeve's Character "Johnny Silverhand". With that reveal shows him holding what is either some form of Cyber-Vaporizer or The Chip of Immortality. It's honestly kind of hard to tell as it's a bit too small to make out clearly. Since there is Smoke / Vapor releasing from it, I'd have to assume it's might not be the Chip. For now, Only Speculation can be had about what Johnny is Actually Holding. Either way, It's a super sick Render for the Character.

Moving On, NETRUNNER 2077 has released a Multi-Wallpaper Collection to make this slick Render of Mr.Silverhand come to your screen, In Mobile format and Desktop! Download 'em Below.
Also, if you have any Wallpapers you've made for Cyberpunk 2077, Don't forget to Submit them! The more Community content, the better!
If you're in the Market for some absolutely sick Johnny Silverhand Collectibles, Be sure to Check Out the Available and Pre-Order Selection Here