Night City Wire Episode 5 - Part 2: Final Preview Round Up

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Get exclusive Cyberpunk 2077 Merchandise at J!NX
November 20, 2020

t appears as they've limited previews quite a good bit compared to the first round of them a few months back. This is most likely due limiting potential leaks and verifying to fans that its a complete game, and it is actually coming on December 10th.

Overall they're very glowing previews with tiny concerns that probably won't bother the typical player that knows what to expect out of this massive title. Please take note that these previews are pretty spoiler heavy when it comes to certain story elements and quests. I'll only be copying over the summaries from each one that DID NOT contain spoilers.

Also note that they all encounter quite a few bugs in the builds the journalists were given. This is caused by them playing older / different builds without the massive Day 0 patch that has been worked on for quite some time now, so keep that in mind.

PC Gamer

Non SPOILER Summaries

PC Gamer:

Night City is a remarkable feat of world-building, and denser than any open world I've ever spent time in. I played the game at max settings on PC with ray tracing enabled, and at night—especially in nightclubs and neon-lit commercial districts—the lighting and reflections were gorgeous. Drive a sufficiently shiny car and you see reflections from streetlights and billboards reflected perfectly on the glinting bodywork. It's a preposterous feast for the eyes, and if I had more time I'd have been stopping every two seconds to fire up photo mode.

I really can't wait to go back to Night City. From the moment I stopped playing Cyberpunk 2077 it's been rattling around in my thoughts, and I'm already planning what I'll do first when the game is finally released on December 10. There are also a few things I want to try differently. Some dialogue options and decisions can majorly affect the outcome of certain quests, and I'm intrigued to see how I can change things. I just wish I'd taken a note of where I found the Black Unicorn. If I don't find that sword again, I'm gonna miss it so bad.


One last thing that should be noted is that seeing this game in action for myself makes me glad CDPR opted for another delay (as much as it sucks that this peek only whet my appetite for more). I played through a streaming service with the host system running it on a PC with an RTX 3080 GPU, and while it ran buttery smooth performance-wise, there were a ton of bugs. Of course, the version I played is still in development, and the extra time from its latest delay was likely taken to make sure the issues I saw aren’t there at launch, but I had moments where my UI disappeared entirely, important mission dialogue didn’t play, map waypoints wouldn’t work properly, and plenty more. CDPR is obviously aware of these issues, so here’s hoping the extra time it’s taken will be enough to snuff them out.

Even still, I came away from my 16 hours with Cyberpunk 2077 hungry for more, and with the sense that it had certainly had more to feed that hunger. It’s rad as hell, a gorgeous world that you could get absolutely lost inside of in precisely the manner you choose to do so. It’s certainly not without its rough edges, especially when it comes to its menus, but those blemishes didn’t do much to stop what it does well from shining brightly. Even after two full days I feel like I’ve only barely started to see what’s here, and it only got more exciting the deeper I went.


That's not an easy feat, especially in a world that's so densely packed with decisions and distractions as this. After 16 hours, I (reluctantly) left Night City with some 30-odd side quests and gigs cluttering up my journal, having spent plenty of time diving into the core campaign and a little too long listening in on the conversations of each passersby. Night City is utterly absorbing, and utterly beautiful.

Cyberpunk 2077 is clearly a huge undertaking. The density of the game's systems is a testament to that, with me only feeling partly comfortable understanding the complexities of the weaponry loadouts, huge skill tree, perks, or my future in cyber enhancements – just to name a few. But that scale does come with some concerns, and while Cyberpunk 2077 didn't present me with any game-breaking bugs, the visual bugs were plentiful – although CDPR says that it's aware of them. I'm hesitant to suggest that they'll all be fixed by the time we all get our hands on the full game come December 10, but with a game this ambitious – and frighteningly huge – I'm in the mind to forgive a few unintentional quirks. This is one hell of a game, a neon-soaked seduction from the first second.

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