arlier today it was revealed through Rockstar Energy Drink's Twitter account that we will be getting a Limited Edition Cyberpunk 2077 Samurai Cola flavor.
After doing a bit of research it appears that they have a Landing Page for the actual drink itself as well. Which shows us a clearer glimpse of the actual can design itself. It could be possible that there is more than one variation of drink but for now we've only been given details for Samurai Cola.

When Sharing this website with a friend via Discord, I happened to notice under the description it states " Win Big with Every Can. Collect Rockstar Energy Special Edition Cyberpunk 2077 cans and enter tab codes to unlock digital rewards + earn prize entries. It appears as if they will be doing something special pertaining to digital rewards and prizes. To what they are exactly has yet to be announced, once more details have been spilled, I'll be sure to let you all know.
Until then, Stay safe Choomba.