oday in the Cyberpunk 2077 Media Sphere, CD Projekt Red Went on Tweet to congratulate Kojima and the Kojima Productions team on the PC launch of Death Stranding. Revealing to what looks to be an In-Game Render of Kojima Himself.
We've previously seen revealed Cameos from Cohh Carnage, Jesse Cox, and the rumor of Cyberpunk Creator Mike Pondsmith

So far, There is no hard evidence supporting that Hideo Kojima is an actual Cameo in the game as of today. Although, that may change over the months to come. Some Users on Twitter are speculating that it could possibly just be a photoshop Job on top of an actual in-game character. That also seems pretty plausible as an explaination.

Hideo Kojima has had a very Positive relationship with CD Projekt Red in the past, Always sending each other gifts and so forth. Last year, Kojima took a trip out to CD Projekt Red's HQ in October. It's always a possibility that he was scanned for the game and that we're just now seeing his Render. Little is known, but one thing I will say... It would be fucking awesome to see him Cameo in Cyberpunk 2077. Stay Tuned for more. I'll update this article if any new official word hits anytime during the week.