6th Street

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6th Street

founded as old-fashioned American patriots who came together as an ad hoc civil police force. They've since foregone their original goal of serving the public trust, and today they're no better than other gangs who abuse their power and position in local communities.

LORE Category:
subject details:
Estimated Member Size: 2,300
Turf: Their Main Area of Influence covers Santo Domingo (Both Arroyo and Rancho Coronado). The Gang Also has some influence in Charter Hill and The Glen, but they try to respect other Gangs' Territories in those cases
Prominent Members: Will Gunner, Rick Morton, Wyatt Alken, Lucius Thoran, Matt Dodges, Patricia Garville
Locations: Wicked Tires Autio Shop, Pig Boy's Delight Irisih Pub, Old C-Team HQ
Cyberware: Cyberoptics, Pain Editors, Health Monitors
Last updated:
September 11, 2020

Faction Overview

The 6th Street Gang were founded as old-fashioned American patriots who came together as an ad hoc civil police force. They've since foregone their original goal of serving the public trust, and today they're no better than other gangs who abuse their power and position in local communities. They regularly force smaller neghborhood businesses to pay tribute and "protection money," and they're known to engage in various shady and outright criminal activities.

The 6th Street look is heavily influenced by military uniforms with patriotic accents: military boots, tactical vests and knee pads, cargo pants, baseball caps with old US flags, stars, strips, and eagles.

Philosophy and Structure

6th Street was formed approximately fifty years ago by veterans of the Fourth Corporate War who were tired of local gang activity and the helplessness of the NCPD, and decided to take matters into their own hands. They gathered some equipment, refreshed their combat training, and took to the streets. The gang was created to keep thugs and hoodlums at bay, and its charismatic founders gave the people a way to protect themselves and seek retribution for the damage caused by the other gangs. Today the majority of 6th Street members are veterans of more recent conflicts, retired military and discharged corporate security officers who were unable to find other employment. The rest of the members are civilians who were provided military training after joining the gang. Their main motivation is still ostensibily to "bring justice to the city," but their interpretation of the law is questionable and self-serving. 6th Street's main headquarters are in Arroyo, but their other districts of operation each have their own local HQs that are responsible for patrolling the neighborhood and monitoring the gang's facilities.

Source of Income:

6th Street's activities include robbery, extortion, and gun smuggling. The group has extensive connections with Nomad groups outside of Night City. The gang also steals and modifies cars―6th Street has talented techies, and runs many garages and workshops around the city. They offer their services as combat taxi for hire, which has made them especially popular among edgerunners and mercenaries. Despite their criminal nature, the gang is mostly tolerated by corporations and police forces, unless gang members cause trouble outside of their established turf. Military-oriented corporations have another customer for their high-end products, and the NCPD's job is made easier by the ersatz law that 6th Street maintain in their neighborhoods.

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