One of the largest Night City criminal groups, the Tyger Claws are a ruthless territorial gang from Japantown who use methods similar to those of Asian organized crime syndicates like the triads and yakuza.
One of the largest Night City criminal groups, the Tyger Claws are a ruthless territorial gang from Japantown who use methods similar to those of Asian organized crime syndicates like the triads and yakuza. Gang members are predominantly Asian, and the organization's primary objective is to maintain power over their turf while occasionally forcibly annexing other gangs' businesses. Tyger Claw foot soldiers are recognizable by their luminous Asian tattoos, fast street bikes, katanas, and tantos.
The Tyger Claws' approach to business resembles that of the Japanese yakuza. Disrespecting or crossing even a low-level soldier can cause an immediate and violent reaction from the entire organization, but as long as they get what they want, everything should be fine. The Claws' top brass know that business is preferable to war in the long run, and that you can go further with a machine gun and the semblance of principles and honor than with a machine gun alone. On the other hand, many of the rank-and-file TC gangers are sadistic brutes who are prone to violence. Abduction, torture, sexual assault, and cruel or unusual killing are just a few examples of their depravity. It's not uncommon for young, brash, or simply drunk gangers to undermine their organization's ideologies by abusing their status on gang turf, hassling outsiders, and provoking fights on the streets. This behavior is considered dishonorable by most high-ranking Tyger Claw crime bosses, but an outsider responding to a gang member's disrespectful behavior in kind will rarely go unpunished. Most provoked individuals outside of the Tyger Claws' ranks will wisely chose to avoid a direct confrontation―unless they happen to have connections within the higher ranks of the organization.
Japantown is Night City's premier nightlife district, and the Tygers control a significant portion of it. They own more businesses than any other gang in Night City―bars, restaurants, braindance clubs, brothels, and casinos. Most of these establishments are registered as legal businesses, but many act as fronts for illegal operations and money laundering. The gang makes most of its money on prostitution and human trafficking, but they also manufacture and distribute drugs (notably the infamous "glitter"), and some members eagerly hire themselves out for hit jobs. The Tyger Claws also have connections with various corporate officials who visit their places of business to have fun and blow off steam. The Claws have especially close ties with Arasaka's upper management, who have been known to outsource side jobs to the gang, and pay them with cybertechnology and military-grade automatic weapons.